Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Termites, Ferrets and Dracula?

I had a wild and random cast of characters in last night's dream. The first thing I can remember was being in a room with a yellow light, sort of like the light in a film developing room. There were glass rooms inside that room that seemed to each be individually owned. I had one and there was a man that seemed to have some kind of controlling interest in the glass rooms. He went into mine and said that it was infested with termites. I think they were something like giant glass cages because mine had a ferret in it. And, most people who know me, know that I hate ferrets ever since one bit me when I was a tween. Anyway, I went into my cage to check things out and the termites got on me. I couldn't get them off of me no matter how hard I tried. I tried to shake them off, slap them off, rub and even rinse them off. Nothing seemed to work. There was a celebrity in my dream but, for the life of me, I can't remember who it was.
The next part of my dream, that I can remember, was in a hospital or medical center of some sort. I was there for myself and a few friends. When it came time for me to get my checkup I managed to piss the doctor off somehow. I remember telling her about my acid reflux than for some reason she made me leave. I went out into a large waiting area that looked more like something you would see in a mall or something. There was a huge water fountain or something and there were actors in it dressed like vampires and Dracula and they were doing synchronized swimming. There were children and adults in this "scene" and one of the adults, who may have been the main character, knew all the patients names. He would say something to each patient and call them by name. He got my friend's name right, which I can't recall now, but when it came time for him to say something to me, he called me Cookie, which is not my name.
So, that is all I remember from my dream. There was a lot going on in that one.

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